Our Collection.
This is far more than a T-shirt line. It's a movement to help change the mindset's of our minorities and to inspire momentum around obtaining wealth through group economics, real estate investments, supporting and/or starting local businesses and building a legacy for yourself and your family. Find out more by reading “Our Story”.

What The People Said…
“A government of the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish”
— Abe Lincoln, Gettysburg Address
“The future belongs to those who prepare for today”
— Malcolm X
Closing The Wealth Gap
“Housing is still the main pathway to wealth,” says Rashawn Ray, an associate professor of sociology at the University of Maryland, College Park. “Often, when white families receive inheritance, that inheritance is initially rooted in homeownership and passed down from generation to generation, so their wealth accumulates.”
This advantage early on provides lasting momentum for white families. On the flip side, black families have been exposed to housing-related obstacles over the years that significantly constrain lifetime earnings, such as predatory lending, a higher mortgage denial rate and the continued effects of redlining.
Some Democratic contenders have announced plans to combat racial disparities in home ownership and student debt, both of which Ray says are critical in narrowing the wealth gap. “The onus is on federal and state governments because they have allowed for discriminatory policies and practices that obstruct black families from amassing wealth,” he says.
Forbes.com, 2019
Nationwide Median Net Worth - 2016
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If you have questions about our products, real estate investments, wealth building events and strategies or to schedule some time to speak with Owner, Keira Chatman please fill out the form and we'll get back to you within 24 hours.
Columbus, Ohio